Work alongside other water trail enthusiasts to maintain shoreline campsites throughout Washington.
Get a little dirty leveling footpaths, pulling invasive plants, and installing new signs and kiosks as part of the work day. Expect to have a lot of fun meeting other paddlers and getting to know a trail site.
Work parties usually take place on the weekends between 10am and 4pm at various locations. Some involve paddling.
Contact our work party volunteer, Harry Oesterreicher, at the following email address:
Call 206.545.9161
Volunteer Sign-up
Please fill in the following:
Log Your Hours
We would appreciate if you would log your hours using the following form. This goes directly into our database. We also ask that anyone who stops at a site use this form. This way we can report any usage to the site managers.
Please input your hours after volunteering – it will be so helpful. For example, if you go to the Blake Island work party, enter all your hours including travel time.